Can't be gangster without the gang. What should I do for 50 fans?
The name is Quinnfinity. I deploy meself to experience and endure, then evolve. Whatever it takes to remain creating. I hope to follow the right path, to get back on track when conflicted. Mind, Heart, and Glory! Give me Drive! Or Drive me CRAZY!!!
Age 20, Unit/Threat/Contraption
Endurence, Evolution
Gangster School
Joined on 11/6/22
Posted by Quinnfinity3 - 1 month ago
Can't be gangster without the gang. What should I do for 50 fans?
A backflip
I can't land on my feet. I landed on my neck on the trampoline. The motor skill training for this task is frustrating. More the reason to do it. UGG I HATE MY AMBITION SOMETIMES!